=== Vacancy Clusters in Graphane as Quantum Dots ===
=== A. K. Singh, E. S. Penev, and B. I. Yakobson ===
===      ACS Nano 4(6), 3510-3514 (2010)         ===
===                   * * *                      ===
===            PROJECT DATA ARCHIVE              ===
===              (c) 2010 E. Penev               ===

* Content description

|-- Correspondence    - Email etc correspondence related to the project
|-- CoverArt          - Image art related to the ACS Nano cover
|   |-- dvd_cover       - cover for this DVD
|   |-- final           - final journal version
|   |   `-- circuit
|   `-- versions        - various other version of the cover art
|-- Press             - Resources related to the Rice University Press release
|-- References        - Electronic versions of all references in the published paper
|-- ThePaper          - The final electronic versions of the paper
|-- data              - All data related to the project
|   |-- fig2            - data related to Fig. 2
|   |   |-- DFT           - DFT calculations
|   |   `-- DFTB          - TB calculations
|   |-- fig3            - data related to Fig. 3
|   |   |-- AC            - AC interface
|   |   `-- ZZ            - ZZ interface
|   |-- fig4            - data related to Fig. 4
|   `-- fig5            - data related to Fig. 5
|       |-- DFTB-waveplot_runs_LargeDot - DFTB data for HOMO/LUMO of a large dot
|       `-- VASP_run      - data of for the periodic array of n=24 QD actually used for Fig. 5
|-- figures           - Final versions of all figures
|   |-- fig1
|   |-- fig2
|   |-- fig3
|   |   `-- old
|   |-- fig4
|   `-- fig5
|       `-- old
|-- presentations     - presentations related to the paper (at the time of compiling this DVD)
|-- src               - source of codes used in the project
|   |-- DFTB
|   |   |-- autotest
|   |   |-- src
|   |   `-- utils
|   `-- waveplot
|-- submission        - actual versions of the manuscript as submitted to the journal
|   `-- reports
`-- tex               - complete LaTeX source of the paper


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